Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How to Get a Girl to Like You - 5 Surefire Tips to Success

You might like a particular woman, but if you want to get her to like you back there are some tips and techniques which will make it easy for you. Read on to discover the five surefire tips that will make you a girl magnet, and achieve killer results at sonic speeds...

How to Get a Girl to Like You - 5 Surefire Tips To Success

Tip #1: "First Impressions". Believe it or not, but first impressions will make or break your 'game'. The first thing that women notice about you is your appearance. The good thing is that your looks is entirely under your control. You do not have to look like Brad Pitt - but if you're clued in when it comes to the latest fashion trends then that will work to your advantage.

Tip #2: "Body Language". Come across as confident and dominant and you will find that women will fall all over for you - even without you having to say a single word. It's amazing that way! Sharpen up your body language and you will be able to make women attracted to you easily.

Tip #3: "Flaunt Your Special Skills". If you have got a special skill or talent then you will be able to stand apart from the crowd. Do you sing well, or do you play the saxophone? Use your skills to your advantage!

Tip #4: "Compliments". Women all love to be adored. If you are able to pay genuine compliments then you will be able to make any woman like you. The key word here is 'genuine' - you will sound fake if you do not mean what you say.

Tip #5: "Hypnosis / Fractionation". This is the most powerful tip of all. The surefire way to make a woman like you is to use hypnosis. One such technique, called fractionation, involves making women go through an 'emotional rollercoaster' in a conversation. As a result, she becomes emotionally connected to you, and will be compliant to your requests. Powerful stuff!

Fractionation is a highly effective technique, but is also highly controversial as its moral implications of using it are doubtful. Please use this technique responsibly.

Before you use this technique, you must heed this warning.

Fractionation is considered as a 'dark art' tactic which is the basis of hypnosis-based seduction, and while controversial, it is known to be one of the most effective tactics ever invented by underground seductionists

It is described in a step-by-step system in the Deadly Seduction Manuscript (http://www.DeadlySeduction.com)

These psychology tactics are highly unconventional techniques that are used by the secret elite in the seduction community. Use at your own risk. I personally vouch for the effectiveness of these tactics, but care must be taken as they could be outright dangerous in the hands of the unscrupulous

But if you're ready to get girls without breaking a sweat, then do this. Click on this link for an easy step-by-step system that will get you instant attraction from any girl you meet, guaranteed, and for free: Deadly Seduction Tactics

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Derek_Rake

How to Get a Girl to Like You - Follow This and You Will Skyrocket Your Success With Girls

There are TONS of men who struggle with trying to get women to NOTICE them much more than like them. If you want to become better at sparking attraction, you will definitely want to read this. There are certain stages you need to go through to spark attraction. Read on.

1. Pre-Opener

An opener is where you approach a woman and begin the conversation. The pre-opener is just as important as the actually opener. This al has to do with setting the right "vibe" with your body language.

If you have been around the dating game for any amount of time, you'll know how important it is to convey dominant, seductive body language. When you are walking up to a woman you need to make sure you send out the right signals. Because believe me...she notices you WAY before you say "hi".

2. Opener

This is where you introduce yourself or start the conversation. What you need to do here is be original. Forget about any pick up lines or "routines" as they will come off as totally unnatural.

(remember...natural = attractive)

After beginning the conversation there is going to be an awkward silence that you must plow through. This is done as a means of transitioning to the actual conversation.

3. Attraction

This is the point where you spark the attraction. How do you do it?

Simple, attraction is a mixture of conveying high value traits while also exposing her to a wide range of emotions.

Stay present and be nonreactive. When you are nonreactive it means that others WILL be reacting to you...and a reaction is an emotion. This is how you can convey high value and give her many different emotions.

And remember...if you want to make women crazy with lust, you MUST master your body language. This will give you an unfair advantage over the MILLIONS of men who are completely CLUELESS about its power!

Research has proven that 93% of communication is conveyed through body language. Most times, you have RUINED your chances with a woman before you even get a chance to open your mouth!

If you really want to learn how to seduce women, then learn the Secrets of Body Language ...this much I know for sure

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Harten